Slideshow Widget

From Saturday

December 6, 2010

I love this family!

This cute little one had zero interest in getting her picture taken... I had to be sneaky!

Her sister, however, was more than willing...

What BEAUTIFUL eyes she has!

I have the priveledge of going to church with this wonderful sister! She was a lot of fun... She wanted to be sure to get some snow in the background.

Beautiful, sweet, caring hands...

...All for a wonderful cause!!!

(There are still openings available this Saturday!)

3 Responses to “From Saturday”

  1. Alea, I love these pics, you are a genius!!!. Thanks

  2. You don't know me... (I was roommates with Dennis' sister Kamilla for a couple years). I just wanted to tell you that I love your pictures! Sorry I'm a bit of a blog stalker. :)

  3. Thank you! It's okay... I blog stalk too. ;) I'm actually quite flattered to be blog stalked!


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