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Archive for March 2011

Photos to Fight Cancer: Update

March 31, 2011

Logan's dad just posted this on facebook today:
"Hey Everyone, I just wanted to update everybody about our son Logan. I just arrived from Portland Oregon for one of Logan's treatment. He is not receiving chemo therapy anymore!! They just put him under anesthesia to check his eye and they gave him laser treatment. We want to thank everyone for all the support that you have given us whether it be emotional, economical, or phsycological. Thank so much for everything!!! We will be returning to Portand on a monthly basis for roughly a year."
Yay!!! Thank you everyone that has helped support Logan with your pictures! Your donations have been greatly appreciated and he is on the road to recovery!


March 4, 2011

Vanessa was another one of my cheerleaders at Canyon Ridge. She actually graduated a semester early and is now taking college classes, but hey! You gotta celebrate high school graduation, no matter when it happens!...
So it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the beautiful Vanessa ~ Class of 2011!

Let's start with one of my favorites, shall we? Okay.

I'm just LOVING the high key look. 

HOORAY for graduation!!!