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Archive for January 2011


January 30, 2011

I found a little piece of warmth in the frozen Idaho tundra yesterday. It gives me hope that I, too can survive this winter and be as tough as a pansy!
(Hope - Straight out of camera)

I've got a bunch of pictures to post over the next few days, so be sure to check back soon!

Logan Update

January 23, 2011

This was recently posted by Logan's mom on the Support Logan Tingey facebook page:

"So we're starting to get ready to leave to Portland on monday. Logan has an examination under anesthesia on tuesday morning, where he'll have laser treatment, followed by quimo.
I'm hoping the tumor is gone and Logan doesn't have to get more quimo. Well if he needs it, it's ok as long as the tumor is dying. Well, last time we were there, the Dr. (who is such a great guy) said the tumor was shrinking and shrinking away from the optic nerve which is wonderful, so I'm hoping the tumor is gone. But we'll see what happens.
Thanks for keep praying for Logan, I have no doubts that prayers are being answers. Thanks everyone for your care and support."
I believe this will be his third trip to Portland for treatments, and hopefully his last quimo! Thank you to everyone that participated in Photos to Fight Cancer! Logan is amazing and he is the toughest little boy I know! I've got a few more sessions to post pictures from, so check back within the next few days. :) I'm really excited about how they are turning out!


January 4, 2011

Welcome baby Kaleb and baby Jacob!

They were born a week before Christmas and they even got to come home just a couple days after they were born. What a wonderful Christmas present for their family! 

I was so excited for this photo shoot that it was like Christmas all over again for me!

I crocheted and knit little diaper covers, cocoons, and stork pouches until my fingers were sore! They were a lot of fun to make, and made for some really cute props.

Photographing twins has it's challenges... It was hard to get them both sleeping at the same time.

...But at least one of them was always content, so the shoot would continue while the other brother was being fed or comforted. It worked out quite well!

Twenty little toes and fingers... 
 These next two were some of my favorite shots from the session.

Beautiful momma!

And a very proud big brother!

And we'll end the post with a cute little smile!

I had so much fun and I think these turned out fantastic! Needless to say I will now be offering newborn sessions. It is best to schedule your newborn session within the first two weeks of life (so that they are still sleepy, curly & cuddly!) Inform me of your due date and then we will work from there.

I want to thank my friend for letting me take pictures of her adorable children, and also thank you to her family for their help. Thank you to my sweet sister-in-law for letting me stay at her house and thank you to my husband for helping me build my backdrop stand, driving me to Boise, and putting up with my many hours editing on the computer. Thank you to all of you for taking the time to visit my blog. :)

New Year, New Life

January 1, 2011

Can you imagine a better way to start the new year than with a brand new baby boy?...

How about two?

Happy new year!