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Archive for November 2010


November 27, 2010

Do you remember this cute little guy? We did this photo session the day before his first birthday. He is such a smiley, happy, adorable little one year old! 
 Logan was recently diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a type of eye cancer. Now he (and his family!) needs our love and prayers.
You can help Logan by getting your pictures taken! Schedule your sessions now! 
Click here for details.

Miss S

November 13, 2010

Miss S was one of my cheerleaders last year, and now she's a SENIOR! I feel old now!

This might be my favorite... GORGEOUS!

You are an amazing, beautiful girl and you will do great things in your future!


I seriously have goosebumps... And not just because it was really really cold this morning!

The L Family

November 10, 2010

He is so cute... Even if he is a Utah Fan! ;)

What a beautiful family!